Artificial Intelligence (AI) – a term once confined to the silver screen, is now a staple of everyday conversations. Until recently, AI was usually depicted as a malevolent force in classic films such as 2001: Space Odyssey. However, recently, it …

From the Office to the Shop Floor – the Impact of AI-powered Technologies in the Supply Chain Industry Read more »

It’s been four decades since Apple articulated the promise of AI as we know it today. Incremental evolution, marked by gradual enhancements in technology to improve operations and customer service, the airline industry is entering a revolutionary phase. This shift to revolution, …

AI Turns The Digital Evolution of the Airline Industry Into a Revolution  Read more »

The open source community has long thrived on a spirit of collaboration and innovation, breaking down barriers in software development and fostering a culture of sharing and openness. However, the involvement of commercial providers in this space has sparked a …

Are Commercial Providers Really the Villains in the Open Source World? 5 Myths Debunked Read more »

Four in ten execs don’t trust their data to generate accurate AI outputs A new survey of C-suite executives and AI leaders shows while enterprise decision-makers trust the potential of AI, many lack confidence in their company’s strategy to execute …

Survey: C-Suite Execs Trust AI’s Potential but Face Challenges in Strategy, Execution, and Reliability Read more »